Remember, It’s OK: Loss of a Pet

Losing a pet is heartbreaking. They are part of your life, your family, your heart. So many people who lose a pet friend suffer in silence. It can often be difficult to get understanding and validation for the depth of that loss. We will do both.

Your pet was your family, regardless of what others may think or say. Grief will find its way into your life. Remember, it’s OK. You are not alone. Your grief is real, and we are here to help you on your grief journey.

ISBN: 978-1-990336-31-7

As I picked up this book and started reading, it immediately tugged at my heart and soul. Having pets as part of my family for most of my life, I know loss is inevitable. But the depth of that pain is unexpected.

As my journey through this life continues, I gain a greater appreciation for what my furry friends mean to me. A friend, companion, a buddy, unconditional love, and when they have to leave I am crushed. I buried the pain and told myself (as others did) that it was only a pet. Only a pet. Couldn’t be further from the truth.

Reed and Boyd have wonderfully created a book that addresses this myth. Reading Remember, It’s OK: Loss of a Pet made me realize and feel that I am not alone in missing my pet. It allowed me to feel my grief and mourn the loss of my animal friend. My buddy. It helped me smile now when I think of him. The colours used to highlight different sections invoke emotions that match the experience of suffering at different times and helped me to heal.

It is not a book you read just once. It is something I come back to over and over again.

I pick up the book and randomly open to a story, and it never fails to bring me to a personal place of memory. It also allows me a place to journal and write my story.

Thank you for this wonderful book. It is good for my heart.

- Thom Grace, Chemical Engineer

Inside: Remember, It’s OK: Loss of a Sibling  or Friend  


Grief comes from love. Who is to say what love is the strongest or the deepest? For some, a pet may be the only meaningful connection to another living being. Animals/pets can become companions, protectors, entertainers, therapists, and healers. They love us unconditionally and without judgment.

After thirty years of practicing veterinary medicine and observing what happens when this special bond between human and pet is broken, witnessing these intimate feelings over and over again, I have come to respect and cherish this connection humans share with animals. I’ve seen it all, and yet the reaction of someone who loses their animal friend can still take my breath away, their emotion can be so intense and heartbreaking.

It makes sense to address the loss of an animal/pet friend when discussing grief. Marina and Marian’s words are helpful and comforting. The range of feelings when dealing with the loss of a pet are wide and varied, and they have addressed them through a spectrum of associated colours and poetry. This helps connect the reader to their feelings, which can often be difficult and uncomfortable alone. The book offers prompts for journaling that help the griever ponder and move forward. Remember, It’s OK will help individuals work toward acceptance and resolution of their grief and loss.

Marina and Marian’s words are heartfelt and come from a place of love and understanding. I would recommend this book to a client who was struggling with their grief and the death of a pet.

Thank you for opening this door.

Clare Morris, D.V.M.

Dr. Morris is a large and small animal veterinarian. She has practiced across Canada and has participated in Doctors without Borders for pets overseas. She currently practices in Seattle, Washington